The comic for February 26, 2007. Time Friends is a repeating-art comic by Kristofer Straub. After visitors to his website starting making new Time Friends strips, he decided to explicitly encourage that kind of piracy. I submitted this strip to Straub's You.0. REGULAR NINJA VS. TIME FRIENDS NINJA [PANEL 1] REGULAR NINJA: TOMORROW, I WILL KICK YOU IN THE HEAD. TIME FRIENDS NINJA: BY USING OUR TIME MACHINE, WE CAN GET THERE BEFORE LUNCH. [PANEL 2] TIME! [PANEL 3] FUTURE NINJA: IN THE FUTURE, NINJAS WEAR THEIR MASKS ON THE INSIDE. REGULAR NINJA and TIME FRIENDS NINJA: NOOOOOOO |
Ninja Verses and The Beaten Path used to be updated. Perhaps someday they will be again. If you have not read any of the archives, you are welcome to ration the comics at a rate so as to simulate an update schedule. |